Can switching industries help your career?

An Interview with Edward Slack

Over the last couple of months, one of the most obvious shifts has been the slowdown in some industries and growth of others. For many, lockdown may have been a time to survey the job market and re-evaluate their options based on the existing opportunities. For employers, perhaps it was a time to think about what skills are absolutely essential for their organisation.

Someone who knows the benefits of diving into new industries and thinking outside the box when evaluating talent is Edward Slack. He’s currently Chief Financial Officer of a tech company, but he’s also worked across several industries throughout the last few decades. He has some great insights about both the rewards and challenges.

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How will Covid-19 change the way we interact with businesses?

As we start to think about what the world will look like after Covid-19, I thought it could be a good time to chat to Nick Hopkins. He helps businesses develop communication strategies through services like contact centres and chatbots.

The need for clear communication between business and customer has perhaps never been more important. Nick shares some interesting thoughts about what the immediate impact of Covid-19 has been and how this will transform the way businesses try to communicate in the future.

Continue reading “How will Covid-19 change the way we interact with businesses?”